I love how you can find beauty in anything! Similarly, I recently started appreciating the tree in front of our house. For years, I wanted it cut down because it blocked the view of our home from the road. Today, I think back on the piles of leaves its produced for my kids to jump in, the cooler temperatures it’s made our home during sunny days and the gorgeous burnt salmon color it turns every fall. I look at it every morning when I wake up and can’t imagine a home without it now...

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Thanks for sharing, Sean! Isn’t true that sometimes it’s literally just in front of us for years until we finally learn to appreciate its meaning and beauty.

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Wow! This video is incredible, Stella. I love how every frame is different, yet they all blend together into something beautiful. Kind of reminds me of life!

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Thanks, Holly! I love that it reminds you of life– That famous quote from the Forrest Gump movie comes to mind. "Life if like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get." It's that same with the clouds in this project.

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Stella, you've shown how the constantly shifting light and shadows are always combining into something new, every moment. Mesmerizing.

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Thank you, Ann!

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