except that profile picture with the yellow background, you know what's gonna do you good? a virtual hug 🤗

go on, get your camera, get tina and go for a walk!

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You got it, perfect light.

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This reminds me of another recent post about looking for the light: https://substack.com/@recipegraveyard/p-157233731 I think you will like it. Hang in there ❤️

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Thank you for this story, Jen! Super helpful. I appreciate it.

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Sending you the biggest and warmest hug, Stella! I am grateful that you are sharing your world with us.

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Feeling the hug, Manuela! And as always, thank you for your support.

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Looking for the light sounds like a good plan. But so does sitting and watching the surf. Grief has no expectations. Continuing to hold you in kind and healing thought, Stella.

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Thank you, Laura. Grief has no expectations. I'll remember that.

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A tiny crack of light is all you need to start. Can you trust me on this? Sending my very best wishes.

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I trust you on this, Alice. Thank you.

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I love the photos, Stella. You're doing something. You're seeking light. I remember just a year and half ago, I was flying back and forth to Tulsa for my brother. When I came back home via car for the last time with his dogs in tow, I wanted nothing to do with humanity. It felt like an incredible gut punch. I know I keep saying this, but it does get better. This site helped me enormously - https://whatsyourgrief.com. BIG hug from the other side of the country...

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What a great resource, Juliette. Thank you! I appreciate it. Feeling the hug.

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Be kind and gentle with your reintegration back and YES, keep following the light!!

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Thanks, A! I try to remember that. Will be in touch soon.

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I hope you finally get some rest and light! Be patient and kind with yourself. You have gone through a lot the past few months…

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Thank you, Susanne. Taking it easy and slowly. Rest and light-- that's the plan for now.

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Much love to you 😘

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Thank you, Sabine!

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Rest and recover dear Stella. Sending so many hugs and best wishes.

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Thank you, Beth. Feeling the hug from across the ocean.

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The cabinet door is amazing. I read your newsletter then thought about it all day. I looked at it again several times this evening. One of my favourite images.

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That's so wonderful to know, Cedric. I'm glad the cabinet door with the light spoke to you. Thank you for looking and for letting me know. I needed that today.

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You have such a wonderful eye and sense of light. I agree with Juliette. Seeking that light is doing something. It can be a lifeline, a raison d’être when the world seems completely upside down. Sending you a great big hug.

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Thank you so much, Anne. It sure is. I've been photographing this week and it's helped tremendously. Feeling your hug from across the continent.

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