I often listen to this song it’s from the Film Motorcycle Diaries: Al otro lado del río a Spanish song. Here are four English lines:

“The day will little by little

overcome the cold.

I think I have seen a light

across the river”

Row Row Row

is the chorus.

As always I love what you have created Stella.

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Those are beautiful verses, Shital. Thank you for sharing. It’s been awhile since I last saw Motorcycle Diaries— I will write this on my journal.

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Beautiful collages. I do so hope that things turn more positive soon, but thank goodness for a positive attitude and a commitment to the things that bring you joy. (Sending gently pushy vibes to get that money through the administrative bottleneck!) Take care dear Stella. All the best. 🤗🤗😘

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Thank you, Beth! I hope so too. 🙏

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Jul 21Liked by Stella Kalaw

I am also in a stuck, stagnant place right now with my work, career and income. “If there is no wind, row.” really resonated. Even if it feels like nothing is happening or moving, make the effort to move forward, even if it’s only a tiny bit.

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Oh, Jen. Giving you a hug all the way from the West Coast. I’m moving one small step with you. That’s all we can do right now.

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This resonated Stella. We have all been in this place. I constantly remind myself of my version of your proverb: one little thing or step in another direction will change the trajectory of my life.

I loved Last Tango in Halifax.

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Thank you, Alice! I’ll have to write that down in my journal too. I’m on S3 with Last Tango in Halifax. I don’t want it to end! It’s so good ❤️

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Jul 21Liked by Stella Kalaw

Stella - I received my print and I love it! Your work is beautiful and I look forward to framing it up and hanging it. Loved the quote from Lek. I still have a small print of a chair that Lek gave me when the two of you were at Brooks. I will hang it next to yours. You are talented and deserving. Stay positive, you will find your niche; or maybe you already have and time is needed to bring it to fruition.

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Oh, I’m glad you received the print, Rob! And yes, pair it with Lek’s chair— one of best things that came out of Brooks were the friendships. Even if we’re miles away we manage to stay in touch. When I was in Manila last June we did an online call with Lek, Dianti, and Hary Suwanto. It was great to catch up with them. Thank you again for your words of encouragement. I appreciate it. ❤️

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What a beautiful reflection, Stella, and what admirable grace in a challenging time 💕

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Thank you, Sydney! I appreciate your support and kind words.

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Beautiful thoughts and images. The last one made me think of the movie I just watched on the plane last week. Boys in the Boat. Thanks for these thoughts especially the truth and vulnerability of a season that seems stagnant.

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Thank you, Jenny! I also watched Boys on the Boat during my flight to Manila in May. It was an inspirational movie indeed, the photo on the 3rd collage reminded me of the film.

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I love how this community keeps inspiring each other. Your collages are (as always) wonderful. Thank you for sharing!

We have bought a rowing machine in 2020 and I find it so so boring. I didn’t know there were videos on YT you could watch while rowing. I will give it a try.

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Thank you, Susanne. I love notes for this reason because it can be a source of inspiration.

I hear that Indoor rowing isn’t for everyone because it can get boring pretty quickly. Do try the videos and see if that’ll spark a return to rowing. Let me know how it goes!

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Jul 22Liked by Stella Kalaw

“We can allow every feeling the dignity of its existence.”

Love this quote so much. Thank you, Stella, for showing us that life can be a gift every day amidst hardships and uncertainty.

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Thank you, Manuela. I had to pause and take in Sharon’s quote because it is so beautiful phrased. Another one that I wrote down in my journal. I’m a big quote gatherer 😀

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Jul 23Liked by Stella Kalaw

Thanks for lovely quote and images. We all need to keep on rowing, Stella. Sometimes the waves are rough, but we can move past them. Sending much love ❤️ and strength.

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Thank you for the encouragement, Marlee. I appreciate it. I’m glad to hear this post resonated with you.

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Even when we think there's no movement at all, when the surface of things seems perhaps unsettlingly still, currents are always stirring underneath. We never know what will rise to the surface or when. Keep rowing, keep making. That's all we can do, and we become richer for having had the experience. Thank you for sharing this. I'm kind of in one of those periods too, waiting for something to open up, for a new professional endeavor, putting out feelers, applying for jobs, etc. And in the meantime, just like you, I keep creating-- or rowing-- and focusing on gratitude. :)

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Thank you for your encouragement and support, Anne. I appreciate it. I’m down with Covid now— tested positive yesterday so I am feeling emotionally worn down. Hearing from you and knowing we are in a similar boat is comforting— I don’t feel so alone in this creative journey. It is good to be reminded there are unseen currents/energies. So thank you for that. I’ll keep on creating as that is what I do to get through these times of standstill, sickness, and challenges. Take care!

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Making a living as an artist is incredibly difficult. You’re definitely not alone. I hope you’re feeling better, that COVID is on its way out.

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