Dear Younger Self,
What you are about to plunge into will take every ounce of courage. Walking towards the unknown is frightening that only a few embark on this journey you are about to take. There are plenty of unmarked signs, dead ends, and a bunch of forks in the road. The truth is, there is no roadmap–you’ll have to find your way and forge your path. You’ll have to discard the yardstick you’ve been taught all your life to measure yourself with and define your success. You’ll be ridiculed, dismissed, repeatedly fail, and you will succumb to fear from time to time. But a few things I know for sure to help you prepare for what is ahead.
Cultivate a Strong Mindset.
People will think you’re crazy for choosing this path. Some will discourage you not because they are mean but because they truly care. They fear your financial future–that you will end up destitute your entire life. Don’t let those words sink into your spirit because inevitably, they will replay in your mind each time you reach a fork in the road. Remember, everything is temporary. Yes, there will be some rough patches and low valleys that stretch beyond what your eye can see. But, if you keep an open mind and are willing to be nimble, you will be alright. Situations eventually change. It will take time but it always does. Make a leap of faith and trod the road less traveled if your spirit calls you.
So, tend to your mind. Read and listen to stories of people who have overcome unimaginable circumstances. Study them then apply what you’ve learned in your own life. Lean on your faith. Pray whether in good times or bad. Spiritual nourishment always fortifies the soul. Don't be afraid to ask God for help. If you are troubled and cannot talk to someone, write your thoughts down so it doesn’t regurgitate inside your brain. You don’t want to get to a point when you start believing all your negative thoughts. Protect your mind. Feed it well and it will carry you through.
I will not pass my suffering on but my wisdom. —Carolyn Myss
Always take the time you need to understand your emotions and work through them. Harvest the wisdom from your pain, grief, and suffering. Use it for good instead of harming yourself or others. Use it to inspire, help and uplift people. And, if you get knocked down, promise me you'll dust yourself off and get up each time you fall.
Bloom Where You are Planted.
Life will throw curveballs at you and sometimes, you'll end up in a place or situation so removed from what you have imagined. You’ll feel ashamed and you'll beat yourself up when you have to compromise your dreams to fend for your basic needs. There's a quote I read by writer Elizabeth Gilbert that puts this in perspective:
Financial demands can put so much pressure on the delicacies and vagaries of inspiration. You must be smart about providing for yourself. To claim that you are too creative to think about financial questions is to infantilize yourself— and I beg you not to infantilize yourself because it’s too demeaning to your soul. (While it’s lovely to be childlike in your pursuit of creativity, in other words, it’s dangerous to be childish.) — Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic.
All experiences count. It may not seem like it at first but you will realize down the road that everything is connected.
Yes, life will feel like a slog but it does not give you an excuse to do a half-ass job. Always strive to do your best no matter where you land in your journey. Do the right thing when no one is watching. Integrity matters. At the end of the day, do something you'll be proud of no matter how small. Most importantly, feed and nourish your creative soul by doing the very thing that put you on this journey in the first place. Take tiny steps if that's all you can manage but keep moving forward. That's the gift you give to yourself. You'll live with fewer regrets later.
Don't Quit.
Your north star is when you tie your gifts and abilities with purpose. Finding this out sooner than later will come in handy when you feel like quitting. Each person has this light inside of them but not everyone has the courage to be the light bearers who will navigate us through the darkness of this world. Don’t ever think that no one cares what you do. You have a gift. You have a purpose. Don’t quit and deprive others of this light. If the journey is too much to bear, you will encounter kind and soul-enriching people to help you along the way. Cultivate meaningful friendships and build your support system. Develop a grateful heart and you’ll look at your life through the lens of abundance. And last but not least, always find joy and learn to appreciate the everyday mundane moments because you’ll have more of them in your lifetime than all of your professional achievements combined.
I wish you well on your journey and I hope you’ll read this letter every now and then to give you strength and encouragement to keep going.
What about you, dear readers, what advice will you give your younger self? Did this letter resonate with some of you?
“Your identity will not be found in someone else.”
Loved reading this! Especially at the end, about our North Star. It’s good to remind ourselves that our heart always points true both, so as long as we follow our heart, we will enjoy the ride :)